How to do the ‘dopamine dressing’ trend this summer
Turbo charge your summer wardrobe by injecting joy in the form of bold brights.
The latest trend, dubbed ‘dopamine dressing’ is all about using the power of colour to lift your mood after a lacklustre few months.

Jumpsuit, £32.99 ZARA
One of the biggest trends to emerge from the pandemic, this look is all about embracing energising hues such as lime green, neon orange, candy floss pink and lilac.
Check out or top pics of bold and beautiful pieces available for your dopamine fix right now, and get ready to smile!

Set, £38, from I Saw It First.com

Skirt, £49.99, Zara

Sequin feather shift dress, River Island, £150.

Sabina sandles, £130, Vionic

Trousers, £32.99, Zara

Handbag, £19.99, TK Maxx

Outfit, Missguided

Trench coat, £45, Pretty Little Thing